How To Order
Shopping at is quite simple and easy
If you are first time user, then register yourself with the site by clicking New User at the Home page, This registration is very simple absolutely Free. From the next time, you can logon just by giving login name and password and avail the benefits of being a member.
If you are Already registered user, then logon by entering User Id and password at the Home Page and click on the Login Button. .
One way is choose your favorite Category at left side menu and click on the Category and then select an item in that particular category.
The other way is to use the search facility provided at the left bar of the page where you can search gifts for a particular category and a for particular occasion or you may use keyword search for better results.
Once you selected an item to order, then click on
Button against the item to add the item to your Shopping Cart. You can also specify item quantity on the order form.
- All items have their prices
mentioned alongside them. Next to that you will find an 'Order
or BuyNow' link.
- Clicking on this link will add
the item to your shopping cart and will also show you the cumulative
total so far.
- Every time you are shown the
item description with the cumulative total, you have the option of
either continuing to continue shop or paying and checking out.
- If you feel you have added
some item that you would not like to purchase, you can remove that
item by clicking on
- After clicking on Checkout
Button it takes to you to order form page if you have already logged
in to the system. Other wise you will be prompted to login / Register
to place the order. After completion of login/register process
order form displays.
- First select the delivery date
and enter the
shipping address where you would like the gift items to be
delivered. Remember to mention the recipient's name. If you know of
any landmarks that can help locate this address, please do mention
them in the next box. Any specific time for delivery can also be
mentioned here leaving at least two days for us to deliver.
- After completion of Order form
page, Order Confirmation page comes to you. Here you can review the
details click on "OK" Button. it takes to you payment
selection page or click on "Modify" to modify the details.
- Payment gateway is powered by and Two
payment options are available at payment page. 1. Credit Card ( Visa Card) 2.Net Banking mode.
- International Credit Card payments are
processed by CCAvenues, and all domestic Credit Card / Debit Card/ Net Banking/ Wallets are processed by PayuBiz As per your payment options you select payment gateway at payment selection page.
- After entering the payment
details, order confirmation mail will be sent to your mail back
immediately with order number and order status. At the same time order
status will be shown at website with a thanks note.
Your order details will be updated continuously at, you can check the order status by logging at MyAccount.